Abdul'sHub Writing 101 www.abdulshub.blogspot.com February, 2022 WhatsApp Training Section (2): Text Formating (Using Google Docs) NB: This guide was written for those participating in the Abdul'sHub 101 Writing Training. Send an email to me if you would like to be part of future trainings. This section is aimed at teaching you the basics of word formating. For the purpose of this training, I will use Google Docs to explain it. Donwnload on Playstore or Applestore. Those with WPS, Microsoft Word etc. can go ahead and use it since the apps basically do the same thing. Okay, are you ready? If you are, let's dive right in! Open The App Once you open the app, this is how it will appear. Mine is like this because I've used it to write some articles. Drive files: are the files automatically saved on my google drive. I can edit it offline, but once I on my data, all changes will be saved on google drive too. This is important because it protects your ...
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