Abdul'sHub Writing 101
February, 2022 WhatsApp Training
Section (2): Text Formating (Using Google Docs)
NB: This guide was written for those participating in the Abdul'sHub 101 Writing Training. Send an email to me if you would like to be part of future trainings.This section is aimed at teaching you the basics of word formating. For the purpose of this training, I will use Google Docs to explain it. Donwnload on Playstore or Applestore. Those with WPS, Microsoft Word etc. can go ahead and use it since the apps basically do the same thing.
Okay, are you ready? If you are, let's dive right in!
Open The App
Once you open the app, this is how it will appear. Mine is like this because I've used it to write some articles.
Drive files: are the files automatically saved on my google drive. I can edit it offline, but once I on my data, all changes will be saved on google drive too. This is important because it protects your hardwork from getting lost when you lose your phone or the memory crashes and you lose your files.
Device files: are the files I saved on my device. It doesn't have the advantage of the previous one.
To open a new file click on the + sign at the lower right part of the screen.
After clicking on the button, you'll see the options below:
Choose template: there are several available. It will make your job easier if you want to write a letter, CV, etc. You must be online before you can use it
New document: To start writing on a fresh paper, click on it.
There are several icons there, and I'm sure you must have used most of them on other apps/softwares.
Click the three dots at the top right corner to see the image below.
Word count: Click on this to know the number of words you have written. For some essays or any other written assignment, you might be required to write not less than and not more than some numbers, also as a freelance writer, clients sometimes pay per word so you're expected to reach the number of words requested by them.
Spell check: When you're done writing, on your data, click on this button. It'll automatically check for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors, then offer suggestions for you
Page setup: You won't need this for articles, but for writing ebooks, this will is used to set the following:
page orientation
Paper size
Page color
Share and export: click on it to do the following;
Share: to give people access to your article without having to send to them
Manage people and links: to regulate who can read it, and what they can do
Copy link: to copy the link and share
Send a copy: to share the document
Save as: to save your document in the format of your choice e.g doc, docx, PDF, epub etc.
Print: if your phone I'd connected to a printer, you can print using this button
Make a copy: to copy the file so that you can edit one and leave the other
Click on the other buttons, to see what they can do
When you click the icon shown below, this is what you'll see
Click on the buttons, to see what they can do
Do same for the icon below and experiment.
The styles shown is very important, click on it. You will see different headings as follows: please try using each to practice
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
NB:Headings are very important. Use them whenever you have a heading in your writeup. Whether it is for an article or Ebook. Use them accordingly.
Click on the other buttons, to see what they can do
Link: You will use this to add links to your writeups, you will write the link and the text you want to appear on the article or Ebook. When writing for blogs, you will use this to include internal links (from that blog) and external links (from other blogs).
NB: the use of links, styles (headings) are important for search engine optimization.
Click on the other buttons, to see what they can do
Horizontal line
Page break: this automatically takes you to the next page. This is important when writing an eBook.
Footnote: you can use this to add references and more explanations to your text.
I can't explain everything here. You need to experiment on all the buttons to see how you can use them to improve user readability of your articles and books.
Thanks for reading
Abdulsalam Yunusa
Please let me know whether this quick guide was helpful. I would love to hear from you!
Helpful indeed, Jazakallahu Khairan