A finger of a person infected with herpetic whitlow Source: NHS, UK
Wrongly pronounced by many as 'Wicklow', Herpetic Withlow is an infection characterized by throbbing & excruciating pain as well as discomfort; forcing most infected people to use any treatment possible — whether or not it is proven to have a positive effect.
It is known as 'kankare'/'dankankare' in Hausa, and داهس 'dahis' in Arabic [how do you call it in your language? Tell us in the comment section]
So, what really is herpetic whitlow?
Herpetic withlow is an infection caused by a virus known as herpes simplex virus, HSV. It leads to the formation of lesions usually on the fleshy areas of the thumb, fingers and less commonly, on the toes. Withlow can also be caused by a bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus). This is more commonly known as paronychia.
Both types commonly affect health workers who come in contact with the pus and lesions of infected patients (oral and genital herpes infections). Children with oral herpes can also infect their thumbs after sucking it.
Whitlow is characterized by swelling, reddening and painfulness (tenderness) of the affected area. This is followed by formation of pus (in bacterial Whitlow) and lesions/vesicles (in herpetic whitlow).
The pain usually starts as a mild one before progressing to an intense throbbing (pounding) one.
A photo showing herpetic whitlow blisters
[Source: NHS, UK]
While bacterial Whitlow is treated using antibiotics (please meet a health professional for prescription), herpetic whitlow — like many other viral diseases — is not treated but allowed to heal on its own, while taking pain relievers, building up one's immunity and maintaining good hygiene (cleaning the area and dressing it with a gauze to prevent spread of the infection . The pus might dry on its own, burst or is drained via surgery.
In most cases, the infection heals on its own after a few weeks even without any treatment.
It is also treated by wrapping the affected area with lemon ( Lemun tsami), aloe vera, henna(lalle) etc.
While some of these are yet to be proven scientifically, people have attested to its effectiveness in the treatment.
It could heal in a few days (with treatment) or a few weeks (even without treatment). However, healing takes a longer time in some patients, especially when body immunity is compromised or when good hygiene of the infected area is not maintained.
Some patients experience a reoccurrence of the infection later in life because the virus can remain dormant in the body for many years.
The intense pain associated with the infection is a good reason to be proactive in preventing oneself from contracting and spreading it to other organs and people as well as ensuring its immediate treatment.
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