Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, has a lot of names in different languages; the Hausas call it, "Bāsir", the Yorubas call it, " Jedi Jedi" and it goes with other names too (You can tell us the name in your language). I believe most of us have seen or heard of many drivers, tailors etc going to get herbs to treat it.
So what are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids can be described as masses or clumps of tissue within the anal canal that contains enlarged blood vessels (veins), and is surrounded by muscle or other connective tissue fibres. It occurs at least once in the life of most people and can recur in some. Though it isn't a life threatening condition, it can cause serious discomfort, irritation (itching), pain and even bleeding (which could lead to anemia)
It exists in different forms and with varying levels of severity. So what are the types?
Hemorrhoids can be
- Internal, when it occurs inside the rectum (the part immediately before the anal canal). Depending on its severity (1st-4th degree), it might even prolapse out of the anal canal temporarily or permanently (until is manually returned). It is usually painless and is characterized with presence of blood on stools (faeces).
-External hemorrhoids can be felt as swellings or bulges at the anus, and can be extremely painful, especially when blood clots inside it.
So, what causes hemorrhoids?
It is caused by stretching of the veins within or around the anal canal (or anus), due to the weakness of muscles around it, or overstretching of the muscles by hard faeces.
Though some are yet to be proven scientifically, the possible causes of hemorrhoids includes:
-Constipation and diarrhea
-Presence of tumours in the pelvis
-Anal intercourse
-Eating foods that are low in fiber
-Poor hydration (not taking enough water)
-Sitting for long periods (especially in the toilet)
-Age (it is more common in old age)
- living a sedentary (inactive)lifestyle
-Obesity, etc
Okay, how does one know whether they have hemorrhoids or not?
Sometimes, hemorrhoids can be without symptoms, but early symptoms include
- feeling the presence of faeces in the anal canal after defecation,
- painless bleeding (seeing traces of blood on the faeces)
- irritation (itching) and pain after using the toilet
-swelling and/or presence of a lump near the anus etc.
Can hemorrhoids be treated?
While a severe hemorrhoid might require surgical intervention, less serious ones can be treated and even prevented by:
-a change in diet to include adequate fibre food e.g fruits and vegetables
- taking a lot of water (or other fluids)
- stool (faeces) softeners might be recommenced
- medications (drugs, lotions etc)
- Living an active lifestyle, exercise etc
-Those with hemorrhoids are advised to go to the toilet as soon as they feel the need to. Delaying will lead to more hardening of the stools and thus, straining of the muscles and the hemorrhoid, thus causing pain and irritation. It is also important to watch over one's diet.
-Sitting in a warm bath tube for some minutes can also help reduce the pain and irritation.
- Maintaining a good personal hygiene is very important too
-It is advisable to visit the Doctor if the symptoms are not improving. A rectal exam might be needed before further treatments.
Now you know🤗
Please contact me if you have any addition or corrections
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